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Reasons Why You Should Invest in Idaho’s Real Estate Market

Reasons Why You Should Invest in Idaho’s Real Estate Market

When it comes to RealEstate investing it can be very difficult deciding where you will want to invest, whether it be nearby or out of state. Real-estate markets are very hard to predict, but there are few markets that have shown as much steady growth since 2012 than that of the steady growth shown in Idaho.

Since 2012 the housing prices in Idaho have increased by 209.8% compared to the nationwide median of 89% increase over the same period. The momentum seen in the Idaho RealEstate market is directly related to the same factors,growing prices across the country: increased optimism in the RealEstate sector, a stronger economy, and a lack of available housing. If for no other reason, more buyers can participate in the market because of improving working conditions, improving opportunities, and higher wages. Even though there aren’t enough homes to meet the growing demands of today’s buyers, homeowners have been able to increase asking prices for rental properties.

Median rental properties have increased at a rate of 21.8% a year, with the lack of available housing it has become a very enticing rental market for homeowners. While the state will continue to combat the shortage of housing the influx of people migrating to the state should keep the RealEstate investment opportunities alive and well.

Not many markets across the nation can compete with the Idaho RealEstate market. Not only has RealEstate in Idaho outpaced national appreciation rates for the most of a decade, but it also looks like it will continue to do so for at least another year. As the main beneficiary of positive net migration, a greatly improved economy, affordable home prices, and positive housing market sentiment, the Idaho RealEstate 
